Gabrielli Pessanha: The Next Big Thing In Women's Jiu-Jitsu

Gabi Pessanha: The Next Big Thing

Every once in a while a competitor will do something that demands the attention of the jiu-jitsu world. Gabi Pessanha did that earlier this year with a flawless run at purple belt that saw her win every major tournament, both weight and absolute. 

Pessanha hails from the favela of Cidade de Deus in Rio de Janeiro, a neighborhood infamous for the movie that shares it’s name, “City of God”. While gang presence is undeniable and life there is hard, for the majority of people it’s just a working class place where people struggle to make ends meet. 

The young jiu-jitsu champion Pessanha– still not even 18 years of age– admits she was nervous for her first tournament since being promoted to brown belt, especially as brown and black belt women compete together in UAEJJF-sanctioned events. 

Her performance was better than ever, as she scored a total of 28 points in two matches to win gold. She beat Australian brown belt Shantelle Thompson 11-0 and veteran black belt Jessica Andrade da Silva 17-0. 

Pessanha's movement, from her fearsome collar drag takedown to her offensive guard and dynamic passing, shows her as a special talent. Her size and athleticism are also factors – male black belts have told me they have to go all-out in rolling just to keep up with her abilities. 

It was an incredible way to begin this new phase of her career. She intends to do the ADGS circuit this year with plans to hit up LA, Rio, Abu Dhabi and London. Few people would disagree she's a safe bet to go all the way. 


Gabrieli Pessanha vs Shantelle Thompson 2018 Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Tokyo

Gabrieli Pessanha vs Jessica Andrade 2018 Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Tokyo


From The City Of God To Gold At Worlds: A Teenager's Dream Comes True